The Virtual Pundit Expert System Framework

Our software solution - "Virtual Pundit" makes it easy for domain experts to create Machine Learnine solutions without the need to involve Machine Learning experts in the process.

Virtual Pundit is user friendly enough that anyone with basic computer knowledge can master it. Furthermore, the solutions it produces are easily understood by domain experts, which allows them to take advantage of Machine Learning self-sufficiently. VP uses a new simple process that obviates the need for intermediaries.

With VP, a simple graphical interface is used to provide domain knowledge. This cuts the Machine Learning Software Experts out of the production chain. Virtual Pundit solutions are provided in this same graphical representation, and they are easy enough to be understood by the domain expert. The solutions can be modified for better results, by modifying the domain knowledge and inserting it back into Virtual Pundit. This iterative process can continue until results are satisfactory.